What is Activate Your Seat???

Activate Your Seat is a physiotherapy designed and led online exercise programme specifically for horse riders. It targets the muscles of the seat leading to improved strength, suppleness and balance in the saddle and helps achieve a more independent seat.

My name is Maeve Sheridan and I am a Chartered Physiotherapist specialising in the assessment and treatment of horses and riders. I have 20 years experience of assessing and treating riders, and almost every positional fault I assess and treat in a rider comes back to an imbalance or weakness in the muscles of the seat.

I have designed this online exercise video as nothing I have found currently that’s designed for riders seems to target the muscles of the seat. Everyone is so fixated about strengthening their “core”. You can have the strongest core in the world but if it sits on top of weak pelvis and hip muscles it’s not going to be of any use!!

This online exercise video contains four sets of five exercises done into the resistance of the bungi. The bungi fits into any door frame and stays in place once the door is shut. These exercises target all aspects of the seat and will improve your strength, suppleness and straightness in the saddle.

I am also a working mum of two small boys trying to ride and compete my own horse. So I totally appreciate an exercise programme designed to fit into a busy work/life schedule. This exercise video is 25 minutes long and contains a few minutes on diaphragmatic breathing at the start and a few minutes of targeted stretches at the end. The bungi is portable and easy to use and so you can do this anywhere; at home, at the yard, at a competition, on holidays, etc. I recommend that you do this exercise video 3-4 times per week for maximum benefit.

To buy your bungi and receive a link and password to the online exercise video head to www.activateyourseat.com

Mary Philip